Calvys Business Solutions

paid advertising

PPC Marketing (SEM)

Always be relevant, create relevant campaigns, and give the user the answer to his query as precisely as you can,”

Marko Kvesic

According to reports Google gets about 3.8 million searches per minute, that is 5.6 billion searches per day. And in the majority of these search results there will be ads that are relevant to the search term shown among the results. And almost half of the people knowingly or unknowingly click on these ads. The businesses have to pay only if a person clicks on their ad.

The different types of PPC marketing are Search Ads, Display Ads, Video (YouTube) Ads, Shopping Ads, and Universal Apps Ads.

Our aim as a ppc ads agency is to not just to make sure that your business ad is shown on top of the search result. We will also ensure that your ads are clicked and converted to business.

At Calvys Business Solutions we have a team of digital marketing experts who know how to construct and execute a highly converting ad let it be of any type. Our team is also experienced in creating successful remarketing campaigns to convert people who already visited your website to customers. We continuously track and analyse every ad campaign to make sure that they are running profitably and bringing good ROI.

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Get Faster Results

Pay only for Clicks

Measurable and Cost Effective

Extremely Targeted

Frequently Asked Questions

Google AdWords is a fast way of bringing in targeted traffic to your website. It is fast to set up, and a far faster way to generate the traffic than SEO.

SEO is a longer term game and involves the correct set up of your website and online presence, ultimately to bring you more organic search and referral traffic. 

Adwords is traffic where you have to pay for every click of the ad but you don’t have to pay for traffic generated through SEO, but one will have to spend for content generation and website optimization.


Impressions are the number of times your ad is viewed or displayed in a search result. 

Click is the number of times someone sees your ad and interacts with it, by clicking the ad.

Negative keywords are those keywords for which you DO NOT want your ad to be shown.

No. Google AdWords is an advertising platform giving you a vast network of advertising locations and campaign types ranging from Search ads, Display ads (banners you see on websites), Remarketing to different people who have been on your website, YouTube, and Gmail ads.

Thinking of implementing PPC marketing campaign to get fast and qualified results? Think no further, contact us now.

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